Elderflower cordial

Have you ever smelled elderflowers? They smell delicious! Imagine if you could bottle this smell… you can, and it’s very easy.

Elder identification:

Elder (Sambucus nigra) is a common tree of hedgerows around the country and can be found in some parks as well. The leaves are compound, meaning each leaf has 5 to 7 opposite leaflets which are oval and longer than they are wide with toothed edges. There is a bad smell to the leaves.

In May and June the tree is covered in large creamy, scented, flat heads of flowers. The individual flowers have 5 petals. The flower heads are usually between 10-30cm wide. If you only use the leaves for identification you might confuse it with Rowan/Mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia), which has compound leaves and cream flowers as well. However, you can tell it apart easily as rowan has 5-8 PAIRS of leaflets, whereas elder has 5-7 leaflets and rowan leaves are not smelly. Rowan flower heads are less flat and more cloud-like, more cream coloured than elder, with 5 petalled flowers. The bark on elder is also very distinctive: a grey-brown, corky, furrowed bark with corky raised bumps.

The cordial making process:

The process of making the cordial is easy, if you have read the gorse cordial recipe it is basically the same process.

Before you start you will need to have the following:

  • A basket or bag for gathering the flowers.
  • A sunny day. Elder need to be picked on a bright day. This is because the pollen and nectar is what gives the flower its scent, on a damp day this will have rained away or is locked away by the plant. Also, elder is very prone to mould, by picking it fresh, you will have a lesser chance of your cordial going mouldy.IMG_5493
  • A secateurs or scissors to cut the flowers from the treeIMG_5504
  • A lovely assistant (in this case, my mum) to help you pick the flowers, while you hold the branches down.IMG_5500
  • You might need wellies if picking it from a hedgerow, like we did.IMG_5492
  • A large pan to soak the flowers in
  • Sterilised bottles for your cordial. Make sure to take any plastic labels off before putting them in the oven, they will melt!IMG_5606
  • A funnel


  • 1.7 litres of water
  • 2kg sugar
  • 90g citric acid (from my local pharmacy)IMG_5510
  • 30 Elderflower heads (no leaves)IMG_5502
  • 3 lemons, slicedIMG_5509


  • Boil the water and add the sugar.
  • Stir until the sugar is dissolved.IMG_5508
  • Add citric acid, lemons and elderflowersIMG_5512
  • Cover the bowl and stand at room temperature for 24 hours
  • Strain the liquid using a very clean sieve and a teatowel (I ran both under boiling water to clean them).IMG_5607
  • Pour into a few sterilised bottles and cap.IMG_5610
  • Store in a cool place.

Dilute to taste, usually 1 part cordial to 4 parts water. Enjoy!

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